Monday, February 28, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird: Poem

Jem's Fear of Mrs. Dubose

She sits outside her house,
Drool flowing down her blouse,
Watching and waiting,
Her dark eyes hating,

Making a snide comment and cruel remark,
Her voice finds me in the dark,
She is cancer attacking me until I succumb,
When I can no longer remain numb,

My anger flooding the air,
My heart, too dark to care,
Encasing me in a cage of my own hell,
Her words had put me under a spell,

She rests underneath my skin,
Letting loose the monster within,
Attacking all in sight,
My mind only filled with spite,

My consequences I would not meet,
But with my father I found defeat,
The consequence, though unexpected,
Was carried out for my crime to be corrected,

Entering her dungeon warily,
I was met with fear, temporarily,
Toward the dark corner where she laid,
It seemed I would go until I fade,

I brought life to Ivanhoe and Sir Walter Scout,
For what felt like years without a doubt,
Waiting for our savior to announce our release,
And realizing each day was only a small piece,

When at last my term concluded,
Full understanding still eluded,
Her true pain was brought to light,
To shine across a courageous fight

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